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May 31, 20246 min read
Beyond mental health workshops: Changing culture around mental health
Ever wondered why your mental health workshops don't seem to make much difference? I commonly hear from HR directors that their expensive...
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May 15, 20245 min read
What NOT to say to a colleague struggling with perinatal mental health: Advice for managers and friends
In my role as Clinical Lead for Know Your Mind I talk to a lot of HR directors about the struggle of trying to look after the mental...
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Dec 2, 20194 min read
Why trying to be happy harms perinatal mental health
“Enjoy your holiday, you deserve it” “I worked hard at the gym so I deserve a cake” “He got what he deserved in the end…” The movies tell...
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Jan 24, 20194 min read
Should I have therapy during my pregnancy?
Good question. This is something that comes up frequently when I am talking to people expecting babies. Often there has been something...
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Aug 1, 20187 min read
What is pre and postnatal anxiety? Understanding perinatal mental health
Most people know that we often feel anxious during pregnancy and after having a baby but very few people will tell you why this happens...
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Jul 3, 20186 min read
Why am I so full of shame? Shame and perinatal mental health
I feel compelled to write about shame both as a mum of three and a Clinical Psychologist because it is the thing that shocked me most about
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